Custom Font
Adding custom fonts to your application or website is a typical requirement for projects. Panda recommends using custom fonts through CSS variables for consistency.
Next.js provides a built-in automatic self-hosting for any font file by using the next/font
module. It allows you to conveniently use all Google Fonts and any local font with performance and privacy in mind.
Here's an example of how to load a local "Mona Sans" font and a Google Font "Fira Code" in your Next.js project.
import { Fira_Code } from 'next/font/google'
import localFont from 'next/font/local'
export const MonaSans = localFont({
src: '../fonts/Mona-Sans.woff2',
display: 'swap',
variable: '--font-mona-sans'
export const FiraCode = Fira_Code({
weight: ['400', '500', '700'],
display: 'swap',
subsets: ['latin'],
variable: '--font-fira-code'
Next, you need to add the font variables to your HTML document. You can do this using either the App Router or the Pages Router.
App Router
import { FiraCode, MonaSans } from '../styles/font'
export default function Layout(props) {
const { children } = props
return (
<html className={`${MonaSans.variable} ${FiraCode.variable}`}>
Pages Router
import { FiraCode, MonaSans } from '../styles/font'
export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<style jsx global>
:root {
--font-mona-sans: ${};
--font-fira-code: ${};
<Component {...pageProps} />
Font Source
Fontsource provides a straightforward process for installing fonts into your web application.
First you need to install the desired font package.
pnpm add @fontsource/fira-code
Then import the font in your project.
import '@fontsource/fira-code'
Finally, you can import the css styles for the specific weight and subset you want to use.
import '@fontsource/open-sans/500.css';
:root {
--font-fira-code: 'Fira Code', monospace;
Vanilla CSS
You can leverage the native font-face CSS property to load custom fonts in your project.
@font-face {
font-family: 'Mona Sans';
src: url('../fonts/Mona-Sans.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
font-display: swap;
Then alias the font names to css variables.
:root {
--font-mona-sans: 'Mona Sans', sans-serif;
Update Panda Config
export default defineConfig({
theme: {
extend: {
tokens: {
fonts: {
fira: { value: 'var(--font-fira-code), Menlo, monospace' },
mona: { value: 'var(--font-mona-sans), sans-serif' }
Use the custom fonts
import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
function Page() {
return (
<h1 className={css({ fontFamily: 'fira' })}>Mona Sans</h1>
<code className={css({ fontFamily: 'mona' })}>Fira Code</code>